But it only got better from there. After requesting seats next to one another, we were informed that we were bumped up to economy class, which is a step below first class. Not only that, we had the first row of seats, meaning extra leg room, plus no one was sitting on my right side. As you can tell from the pictures below, we were pretty excited about all of this.
The moment we stepped off that flight, though, things went dramatically downhill. Because of the closure of the JFK airport in NY, there were way too many people frantically wandering aimlessly trying to figure out what to do. The first problem was the line for getting our tickets: the problem was that there was no line, just a huge glob of people. We did see Michael Cera, the main male actor in Juno. Tensions were high, and everyone quieted down when this man was yelling at a worker who was making him test the size of his carry-on luggage. The luggage proceeded to get stuck and he was thrashing around like a madman. Very entertaining.
Once we got our luggage, we then had to get in a line to get in line for security. Seriously? Amidst this line was this man wandering around asking everyone "where is my wife? Where is my wife?" Uhhh. Finally we get into the line for security and realised that we only had 15 minutes until our plane boarded. We asked a worker if we'll be alright on time, which obviously we weren't, and all he kept on repeating was "plenty of time," which got really annoying after the 1000th time. Fortunately, everyone else was in the same boat.
That's when we met the most annoying girl ever in my life. Everything about her was annoying. I can't even describe it. However, she was rather pushy, and it was because of her that we were able to sneak to the front of the line and get through security. We ran to our plane and the door closed behind us. Normally all of this would have stressed me out, but I was too tired to even express any form of emotion.
We then flew from L.A. to Chicago and parted ways as I flew to Columbus. After an ungodly amount of time traveling, I found my sister impatiently waiting for me, with her first words of "I'm over here, you idiot." Welcome back to the states, Kendra. I slept straight for 14 1/2 hours and my sleep schedule is still a bit thrown off.
Oh.. and this weather? Awful.
Lindsey loves you, just in a weird kind of way, that's all. :) I'm glad to hear you had such a wonderful time in Australia! It was fun keeping up with you via your blog and seeing you the other night. I hope you continue to blog in the future!