Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I'm hooked.

This past weekend, I, along with a plethora of other desperate foreigners who were yearning to learn to surf, traveled to Spot X for a weekend surf camp. After a 5 hour bus ride, filled with wise people who think it's a good idea to drink on a bus, we arrived at the location and were tossed into our accommodations. They were.. small, yet we can't complain because at least they were clean.

6:00 AM rolled around and we were off for our first 2 hour surf lesson. Our instructors were the stereotypical surfer, which only added to the experience. Besides teaching us all of the ways that we can die when we set out feet in the ocean, we learned the basics to surfing and how to stand up on the board and what not (below is a picture of us getting warmed up). We started out on the beginner boards with beginner waves so that our self-esteem wouldn't be too damaged. Either way, it does take sometime to get used to it.

After stuffing our faces at lunch (which many of you know, I can eat my body weight in food), we had another 2 hours of surfing. The afternoon waves were a lot more difficult than the morning's and I had my fair share of being knocked over, salt water plunging into my nose, and other surf boards mulling me over. It was exhausting, yet nothing beat the feeling when you actually caught a wave and road it to shore.

The next morning we had our last 2 hour surf session and by that time I could definitely see improvement. Our bodies, though, had taken quite a beaten;when I was on my stomach on the board I thought quite possibly my ribs were collapsing and that all of the skin on my knees had rubbed off. It was completely worth it, though.

Making a brief stop at Bryon Bay on the way home, we arrived back Sunday evening, which should have been the time in which reality sets in and you realize that you have classes to attend this week, but I waited until Monday to let that horrific feeling arise. It was a fantastic weekend, spent with great friends, and I can't wait to surf again. I already splurged on some surfing gear, and for being such a cheapskate, that's saying a lot.

It was gorgeous there (just like everything else here, including people) and because it was a private beach, there was not an abundance of annoying tourist like me clogging the area. I wish I could go back!


  1. That sounds like oodles of fun! How much did the lessons cost?

  2. so begins the sentiment that will follow you all the days of your life. hope you're having a BLAST!

  3. 1) I wish I was surfing with you
    2) Is that picture on the top of your blog the view from your house? If so...jealous!!!
    Miss you friend! Much much love coming at ya :)
