Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I cannot believe that by this time tomorrow I'll be headed toward Australia. That seems like an overused statement, but I just cannot grasp that I will be away from this country for the rest of the year. I guess when all I see is blue water below me it will finally sink in. Until then I can continue being in denial.

So far in my preparations for traveling I have practiced crying so when I get lost in the airport and have no clue what I'm doing, people will feel bad for the girl who looks like she is 12 and is traveling alone. I figure it will work. Going into this whole situation, I basically have the mindset of "how is life going to kick my butt this time?" I'm expecting that everything that could possibly go wrong, will indeed go wrong. Therefore, if my luggage and I both make it to Australia in one piece, I'll be quite satisfied.

Nevertheless, the ideal situation is that I will successfully make it from Columbus to Chicago to Los Angelas to Brisbane and finally to Cairns without dying of stress. Those who know me well will know this is a difficult feat, but I think I can manage.

I'll wrap it up now because I don't want to bore you. I'll try to do my best to keep my posts short (therefore avoiding excuciating details of how many people I saw wearing fanny packs or the count of how many people used the bathroom on the plane flights) so that maybe you'll want to continue reading what I post next. It's just a goal.


  1. But you SHOULD post the details. Because the way you describe things is hilarious.

  2. What an awesome trip Kendera! I wish you the best of luck on your flights and adjusting to the new culture. I'm sure things will workout for you.
    Tomorrow when i see a plane in the sky I will say "Hi Bobby" as a way of saying goodluck Kendera. LOL.

  3. Indeed Kendra I vote for long posts because I feel like the random details you are likely to include will be highly entertaining and I love to be entertained. Good luck with your flight and everything. I am 100% sure that it will all go just fine. God will be with you the whole way. I miss you girly and I cannot wait to hear about your adventures in Australia!

  4. I love this blog already - have a WONDERFUL time!

  5. Please share the details, i love the way you write. I can hear your wonderful humor coming out and I love it! And I love that you're flying out of Columbus. I wish i could be there! I'll be praying for you! :) Soak up some sun for me and meet some cute Aussies! :)

  6. I WANT DETAILS! I have to experience other cultures through my friends, aka, through YOU. So feel free to bore us with details once you get there :)

  7. This is beautiful. Mostly because I can imagine you saying it out loud and it makes me smile. If you get bored in the airport just play "123 He's Yours" and let me know how that works out.
    I love you and already miss you so much!

  8. kendra short. you're going to be amazing. things are going to work out soooo amazingly! you're going to look back and smile, for sure. (i have to keep telling myself the same thing!) never forget that you're loved, missed and that He's got you! safe travels, friend. can't wait to hear about the adventure! :)

  9. Hey Kendra!! Enjoy Austrailia....don't forget about us Americans....and I'll be praying for you!!!

  10. Ken,

    This blog is fantastic in every way. It contains witty comments, Australian excitement, and most importantly, YOU. I am so glad that we were able to talk before your flight to the Outback/Coral Reef/beautiful goodness of Aussie land. Know that you are in my prayers!

    I love you,
